
Chocolate Hills Among Geological Wonders You Didn't Know

Photo: www.oddee.com

I recently came across an article in the Philippine Daily Inquirer about a Negros ruins as among the world's most fascinating ruins that was featured in a blog. Oddee is a blog on oddities: the odd, bizarre and strange things of our world, and claims to have over 2.5 million visitors a month.

Naturally, I checked out the blog and its post on the Negros ruins. Out of curiosity, I searched the blog for any entry on Bohol. Lo and behold! Our very own Chocolate Hills was featured as among the world's geological wonders you didn't know.

Oddee described Chocolate Hills (tenth on the list) as:
Composed of around 1,268 perfectly cone-shaped hills of about the same size spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometres (20 sq mi), this highly unusual geological formation, called Chocolate Hills, is located in Bohol, Philippines. There are a number of hypotheses regarding the formation of the hills. These include simple limestone weathering, sub-oceanic volcanism, the uplift of the seafloor and a more recent theory which maintains that as an ancient active volcano self-destructed, it spewed huge blocks of stone which were then covered with limestone and later thrust forth from the ocean bed.

I wonder if our tourism officials in Bohol got wind of this information? If indeed Oddee goes to 2.5 million visitors each month this is certainly going to be a boost to our tourism in the province.

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